Audi of America came to the VCU Brandcenter with the challenge of increasing its appeal to Millennials. Our team discovered that Audi already had a strong following among the target. Unfortunately, Audi’s lower than average customer service was the single largest obstacle preventing the brand from commanding preference of those 16-31.
Our solution was a comprehensive internal campaign to educate and motivate dealerships and salesmen about this potentially lucrative demographic. We dovetailed this with an external campaign in select test markets to increase test drives among Millennials. A campaign reflecting Audi’s philosophy on the emphasis on design.
Nontraditional direct mail and an online campaign would direct Millennials to a test drive.
A post-Audi test drive withdrawal kit would be given to the Millennial after the drive using elements of an Audi to emphasize Audi’s design philosophy.
In addition to a training program, we would distribute booklets containing information for the dealerships about why Millennials are an important Audi driver, a snapshot of what the world had been like during their lives, and concluding with information on how dealeships can utilize social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Meetup to create local communities around their dealership.

We also provided salesmen wallet sized guide booklets that lists the top 5 things that they should keep in mind when interacting with Millennials. A car salesman is the at the front line of converting sales and are vital to the success of this campaign.

We also found there was miscommunication among dealerships, service centers, and corporate office so we created an internal facing social network that the network of Audi parts can stay connected to about what is happening in the Audi Nation.
For our efforts we won the Audi client pitch and were invited by the Audi USA CMO, Scott Keogh, to present our recommendations at the Audi USA Headquarters in Herndon, Virginia.
My Roles: Creative Concept Development, User Experience Design