My Prescription
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon, a Political Scientist, was preparing to do a series of 60-second radio spots called My Prescription in which he articulates the issues to urban audiences to increase public awareness and to encourage people to participate in the political process. He wanted a way get the word out to select media outlets.

We created the My Prescription media kit which identified Political Ignoritus as a psychological condition impacting a person’s ability to clearly assess their political circumstances, needs, and power. The cure for Political Ignoritus was the My Prescription 60-second radio spots.

We won a silver ADDY for the Advertising for the Arts and Sciences collateral brochure category for the design of the press kit.
There was also a digital version of the Media kit that I designed and developed which allowed the message of the good doctor to be heard by those who did not receive the physical media kit.

View My Prescription (requires Flash)
2009 Silver ADDY, Advertising for the Arts and Sciences collateral brochure
My Roles: Creative Concept Development, Art Direction, Flash Development