The Gun Shop
To debunk the perception that owning a gun makes a home safer, States United to Prevent Gun Violence teamed up with Grey NY to conduct a social experiment.

We opened a simulated gun store in the lower east side of Manhattan and filled it with guns that all came with a history of violence. We invited first-time gun buyers to check out the store where they were greeted by a store clerk who told them everything about the guns in the shop including the make and model, as well as the victims that each of the guns had claimed.
We introduced the world to our social experiment through a PSA released online that showed the reactions of first-time gun buyers who visited our gun shop, as well as showed our message that owning a gun increases the risk of homicide, suicide, and unintentional death.
The gun store was only active for 2 days but the video drove viewers to the gun shop’s online store.

The fully responsive site gives you the opportunity to have the same experience as the visitors in the brick and mortar store, but with more in-depth details and videos pertaining to each gun.
Our social experiment received a lot of attention, even garnering Ad of the Day honors from Adweek and was number 6 on Adweek’s 10 Best Ads of 2015. Most important, this experiment began a dialogue and got people thinking about the dangers associated with gun ownership.
View the Guns With History Gun Shop
2015 Cannes Lion – Gold
- Outdoor – Integrated Campaign led by Outdoor
- Media – Use of Events & Stunts
- PR – Charity & and Not for Profit
- Promo and Activation – Use of Exhibitions and Installations
- Promo and Activation – Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages
- Design – Small Business
2015 Cannes Lion – Silver
- Outdoor – Live Advertising and Events
- PR – Public Affairs & Lobbying
- PR – Events & Experiential
- Promo and Activation – Use of Customer In-store Experience
- Design – Promotional Item Design
2015 Cannes Lion – Shortlist – Cyber
- Storytelling
- Integrated Multi-Platform Campaign
2016 One Show
- Design Gold Pencil
- Cross-Platform Gold Pencil
- Direct Gold Pencil
- Film Gold Pencil
- Print & Outdoor Gold Pencil
- Public Relations Silver Pencil
2016 D&AD Awards
Graphite Pencil / Creativity for Good (White Pencil) / Advertising & Marketing Communications – Not for Profit
My Role: Web Development